Sunday, March 22, 2015

Light that shines in the Darkness

This weekend was different from the many weekends that have strung together to be my past few months.  This weekend, I had my in-laws watch the children while I visited Caleb on Saturday and then celebrated with my sister at her bridal shower on Sunday.
 There we are, just me and my beloved.  Soaring to the heavens with a visit and sunshine!
It was a sunny day and we went for a walk, then sat on the concrete and talked for hours!  I love that man.  His walk in recovery has been a beautiful journey.  The Refuge is absolutely breathed with the Holy Spirit.

We received a letter on Friday.  It was an amazing encouragement.  The letter was from someone who reads our blog, someone I have never met, but someone who has walked a similar path.  The letter put us both in tears. (Obviously we hadn't just read it in the previous picture!)  The letter contained an incredible description of one man's journey through the addiction of his father, of God's hand directing that story, and of complete restoration of a man who "has since finished his race on earth and is now before the very face of his redeemer."   This letter encouraged both of us to "see the many testimonies of God's relentless pursuit of each of us," and this gave me new eyes to see our journey as one where God is drawing us to Him.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Bright Hope for Tomorrow (and today)

Through the mess, through the tirals, through the pain, God has sustained us. Here we are now, in such an amazingly different place than even 3 months ago.
Caleb is doing incredibly well, to the point of getting promoted early and that means finishing the program early!! I always knew God would set him free and he would be free - indeed!!
And yesterday we signed on our house! What a huge and incredible blessing that is!!! All the debt from all the messy years will be completely and totally paid off in the next couple weeks. A completely clean slate!!
What will we do with this?
Follow God.
With Thanksgiving
And praise Him for calming the crazy storms in His perfect time.
I'm ready to run and sing and shout, Christ has given us a new hope, a new life, a fresh start. Spring has sprung again! !! :)
So fitting that the signing was in March.
So fitting that the song on the radio as I walked through the slush to get the last of our things was : Kari Jobi's "I am Not Alone"
And we have never been alone.
The God of the Universe is carrying us to freedom and Life Abundant, to be a part of His purpose on this earth. We are not alone!!