Wednesday, October 8, 2014

A Hope and a Future

Tuesday the 7th of October was our divorce date.
Seven days prior to that date, our divorce was canceled, because Caleb agreed to go back to Teen Challenge for as long as it takes.  He sealed his dedication by putting the house on the market and putting his truck for sale to pay off debts he made... Hopefully everything sells and everyone he has done work for pays their invoices... But we have enough for bills, currently, and I am at peace about resting in God for all of our needs. I was even able to pay rent a month in advance this month.
It is another twist in the road, but the end goal is restoration. I do hope and pray he makes it... I don't want to be divorced, and he will forever be the father of these babies, so... Another chance.
As long as he is willing to work, I am willing to wait.
That said, due to the uncertainty there, I have been looking into getting my master's...
I was for a while,
Then I went to a CCEF conference and received the whispered call to counseling.
I have thought about it off and on for the past two years, but always thought it was a "someday" thing.
Now that life has taken another turn, I do feel that it is time to take this step.
Caleb will be writing me letters from Teen Challenge because he would like to finish telling his story, so that will be appearing periodically on the blog now.
Please pray with me as I step into the future.  I would love to start my masters as soon as possible... But realistically, it will probably be next fall.
Pray with me that I concentrate on what is important while, at the same time, realistically preparing for the future.  I would love to have a steady career that can help others as well as pay the bills if Caleb can't.
Thanks for your prayers in this journey.

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